A Blog for Robot News, Opinions and My Pictures that are Robot Related.
Roboton - 1) Abbreviation of Robot Town. 2) Abbreviation of Robot Autonomous.
Monday, July 05, 2004
2002-04-06 - Robot platform I was building for Robo02
Top of the platform - sitting on the closed laptop used for programming the HC11
Bottom of the platform - showing the batteries installed underneath and upsidedown
Closeup of gear train
Closeup of optical sensors - small red LEDs on the corner, CDs cells in the center (CDs cell=optical resistor) - The CDs cells are hooked to A/D channels
Front end of Lego platform - notice 3 square bricks in the middle - those are optical sensor housing
2002-04-06 - Lego platform I was working on for Acroname's Robo02 - was driven by HC11+I/O+motor driver board